Re: Symmetricity(sp?) of query_interface

On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, Michael Meeks wrote:

> 	Yes; indeed, however all bonobo interfaces must inherit from
> Bonobo::Unknown, this is a neccessary condition for the important
> properties of symmetery etc. Hence all CORBA_Object's passed around in
> Bonobo are assumed to be derived from Bonobo::Unknown.

Then why doesn't query_interface return an Unknown?
And, on another note, shouldn't aggregation be supported in
Bonobo::Unknown? Let's say there's a program, that gives out
objects that implement a theoretical MyProgram: Bonobo::Unknown interface.
I get a Bonobo::PersistStream object from somewhere. How can I guarantee
symmetricity? Surely I can register the persiststream object in my
MyProgramInstance, using some methods on my own side, but how can I tell
that PersistStreamInstance to return me when queried for MyProgram?
Shouldn't there be a Bonobo::Unknown::register_interface (Object iface)
call? Otherwise, implementing inter-implementation symmetricity in
query_interface() seems impossible to me.

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