menu merging bug (mainly just a stack trace)

Darin Adler writes:
 > I was just talking to Nat about this bug in IRC, and he asked me to post the
 > stack trace to the list (something I otherwise normally wouldn't do). You
 > can reproduce this by starting nautilus, then closing the window.
 > Looks like a double-destroy problem of some kind.

    I can't reproduce this.  It just exits normally.  However, you're
right; I suspect a double-destroy too.  Can you check the ref count of
the widget when it reaches that gtk_widget_destroy and see if it looks
reasonable?  Probably it's 0 or something ridiculous and nonsensical.

    That stuff is kind of a pain to explain how to debug.  I would
break on uih_toplevel_unregister_containee.  Around
bonobo-ui-handler:605, it generates a list of menu paths to destroy.
These should be sorted from deepest to most shallow, and there should
be no duplicate entries.  If either of these invariants is violated,
that should be easy to track down.  Otherwise, I'd have to look harder
at it.

    Are you sure I don't need to do anything else to reproduce this


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