Re: definition of storage

On 23 Dec 2000, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> > copyTo is a seriously badly broken interface; its definition is
> > unclear, and its implementation is not clever. Please do not use this
> > API.
> What is unclear?  copyTo only works within a Storage, it is not a
> generic copy system.

	copyTo is a Stream method, conceptualy there is no reason a stream
should be inherantly persistant, consequently there is no good reason that
the 'path' has any sensible context or point of reference wrt. a stream.
There is no reason to believe that every Stream has an associated Storage
in which the path has meaning.

	Similarly, copyTo's path has been implemented as copying to a unix
path erroneously in the past; and it has been used as if it functioned in
this way by at least 1 user ( now corrected I think ). The difference
between the bytes read and bytes written reporting seems pointless to me.

	The Storage version of copyTo is far more sensible as you suggest,
but I'm still not 100% convinced of it's utility.



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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