Re: Destroying a view

ERDI Gergo <> writes:

> How am I supposed to destroy a Bonobo view?
> Here's what I'm currently doing (as you can see in bonobo-hello):
>     BonoboViewFrame *view = the_view_I_want_to_delete ();
>     gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (component->views_hbox),
> 			  bonobo_view_frame_get_wrapper (view));
>     bonobo_object_unref (BONOBO_OBJECT (view));
> However, this sometimes crashes, and always leaves an ugly empty rectangle
> on the screen where the view was.

I think you are supposed to unref destroy the view_frame. But this has
its own probelms. See my post about circular references; it applies
equally to Views.

 - Maciej

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