Re: Sodipodi can be seen from Gnumeric!

> I think that the most meaningful would be to use BonoboCanvasItem like
> BonoboView with transparent background. I.e. it should have clipping box
> determined by container - and transforming this box is done by conatiner
> app. While activated, the most meaningful beahviour would be, if clipping
> box becomes "event-opaque" and forwards all event to containee.

Excel's draw feature, usually has a bounding box that does not match
the real bounding box.

For example, imagine a "star" object with a shaded tail.  Imagine the
"shade" is very big, like larger than the star and it depends on the
size of the star.

So the bounding box is actually used to control the star, and the
shade changes according to this.

> - If graphic is activated, the clipping box will forward all events to
> sodipodi. Now it is possible to move graphic (or its components) relative
> to graphic PAGE (clipping rect).

This makes sense.  So we would have an acetate-like canvas item in the
background of the bounding box to keep control of it.  Good idea.


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