missing(?) exceptions

On Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 11:26:24AM -0500, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> > P.S. One thing about PersistFile, shouldn't the save method have
> > some sort of exception to tell you the saving failed?
> Good thinking.  Yes, it should.

The same thing goes for Stream and Storage I think. Storage->open_stream
and Storage->open_storage both have an OpenMode parameter, but
the functions that can alter a Stream or Storage don't have an exception
to tell you you aren't allowed to do that.


Martijn van Beers  <martijn@earthling.net>

'Don't worry if it sounds odd. Believe me, you are talking to
someone who has seen a lot of stuff that is odd. And I don't
mean biscuits.' --- Arthur Dent

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