Re: verbs.

Miguel de Icaza <> wrote:
> But the context menu is probably going to be created by the container
> application and attached to the button-press event on the cover
> widget.

What if the component is activated and the cover is gone?

> > 	  This might add some unneeded complexity to verbs, though.  It
> > makes me wonder: what are verbs for, anyways?
> You answered this question yourself:
> > 	  Verbs are supposed to provide an easy way for an embedded
> > component to export a number of simple non-parameterized actions which
> > the component can perform.  The example I've used in the past is "Next
> > page".

Right, and from a programmatic perspective, this makes perfect sense.
But when you start to map the verbs to menu items, you lose some of
the niceness of having a real interface to building a menu, namely
pixmaps, the ability to sensitize/desensitize items, etc.  It's not a
big deal, but I wanted to bring it up.


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