RE: Why gnome apps should offer both guile and Corba.

Ok, what parts does MS do wrong that we could do right?

Also, how would you have both scripts X and Y called each 
time for every file that the editor triggers an event.

My understanding of Corba ( and COM ) was that you have 
different activation models.  Basically, I think the two main 
models are having multiple clients connect to a single 
server and a server created for each client.

For the editor example I would think that it would have the
second activation model - one server per client.  

If this were true how can you do what you suggest?  

If the model is one server editor for any number of clients
than how can that work intuitively?  I might want to edit
multiple files in several windows.


>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Nathan Carl Summers []
>Sent:	Wednesday, March 04, 1998 4:52 PM
>Cc:	;
>Subject:	Re: Why gnome apps should offer both guile and Corba.
>On Wed, 4 Mar 1998 wrote:
>> I have made these opinions after having to work with Microsoft's
>> COM recently.  Besides being brutally painful in way to many
>> area's, some of what it gives developers is just really useful.
>Just because Microsoft does it The Wrong Way doesn't mean we have to.
>> Drawback: if I had another script Y that launched the editor
>> with a file and recorded every time I spell checked a file I would
>> be unable to run the editor from both of these scripts.  I couldn't
>> record that I had edited a file _and_ spell checked it.  Additionally
>> I would have know which one I wanted to do at launch time to pick
>> the correct script.
>No, the CORBA system would work the same way as the guile system -- the
>editor would inform the logging object of the events, and the logging
>object would inform the proper objects -- scripts X and Y in your example.
>There is no requirement that only one object recieve an event if the
>system is designed properly.  If it's not -- well, fix it!  That's what
>Free Software is all about!
>Now, there are problems with CORBA, like the fairly kludgy C interface,
>but that isn't one of them.
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