CORBA::MICO v0.1 - MICO module for Perl

I've put an early release of a MICO module for Perl at

I've also uploaded it to CPAN, so within a day or so, it should
be available in the directory:

or at your local CPAN mirror.



CORBA::MICO is meant to be a light-weight, simple approach to joining
CORBA to Perl. Once you have MICO installed, it builds as a normal
Perl module. A noteable feature is that it completely dynamic and
loads its interface definitions directly from the Interface Repository
for both clients and servers. There is no stubber.


v0.1 is an alpha release, intended only for the adventurous.

Many things work:

  - Basic client and server side functionality
  - Unions, structures, sequences, and enumerations
  - Exceptions
  - Anys 
  - etc.
Many things don't yet:

  - Arrays
  - Constants
  - Activation modes other than persistant
  - etc.

Everything in CORBA::MICO is subect to change without notice,
including the name.

At the present time, CORBA::MICO is not meant to replace my Perl
runtime for ILU. The language mapping is quite similar between
the two, and I expect to update ILU/Perl to follow the changes I've
made in MICO.


 - Is slightly faster.
 - Has a smaller memory footprint.
 - Is more complete at, right now.
 - Has all the features of ILU, including threading as soon as threading
   is ready for Perl.


 - Is simpler to install and use.
 - Is closer to standard CORBA.
 - Will eventually have all the features of MICO, such as different
   activation modes.

                                        Owen Taylor


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