Big things to work on

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Fri Sep 24 08:26:55 UTC 2010

Hey guys,

I just thought I should update you all with my big TODOs for
gnome-color-manager in git master.

* The first is to get the native Huey driver giving me closer readings
to what Argyll gets, and hopefully as good as the Windows driver. This
is probably a "me" thing, although yell if you can give a hand, either
reverse engineering or testing.

* The second is to copy (un-ashamedly) an idea from oyranos, where you
generate a icc profile from the EDID data automatically, if the user
has no calibration hardware. This is approximate and pretty crude, but
according to Kai-Uwe is pretty worthwile, and certainly better than
having no profile.

The second task should only be a few hundred lines of code (all the
framework code already exists), and I wondered if anyone would like to
volunteer for either managing, coding or testing this.



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