[build status](gr) (c-heap) (vi)-(agra)

G Cia-lis Is A New ImpotenceDrug. G.
x Cia-lis is in a class of medications known as PDE5-IInhibittors, which are used to treat MaleImp-otence.
Y Up to 86% of patients WhoTakeCialis experience an improvement in their e-rections.d. Cia-lisActs in the SameWay As Vi-agra.v.
K YouGain E-rections faster and easier with Cialis.P
M WhyWe??? u.
n - NoPrescriptionRequired D.
e - FreeConsultations j.
n - WorldwideShipping Z.
k - SatisfactionGuaranteed q.
H - MoneyBackGuarantee n.


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