[build status]Re: gnome-build-status gnome org , Swiss Group Switzerland !!! Earn up to 2 daily in the Swish Stock Exchange !

Swiss Group SA is one of Switzerland's leading private alternative investment companies which allocates its assets to a range of funds mainly in the field of alternative investment strategies. Its aim is to generate absolute daily compounded returns in USD terms. Swiss Group has been trading on the Swiss Stock Exchange since November 1999 and on Forex since early 1997. Swiss Group provides private and institutional investors with an easy and efficient way to invest with high returns.

50-500$ 1
500-1000$ 1,1
1,000-1,500$ 1,2
1,500-2,000$ 1,3
2,000-2,500$ 1,4
2,500-3,000$ 1,5
3,000-4,000$ 1,6
4,000-5,000$ 1,7
5,000-7,500$ 1,8
7,500-10,000$ 1,9
10,000-25,000$ 2,0
25,000$ special rate

Click here to start earning:

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