Re: Gnome-bugsquad Digest, Vol 14, Issue 11

Hi Raghu. It will help you to know :-
CVS (concurrent version system) - a software product used to maintain multiple development versions of the Gnome software.. allows you to extract the source for the version you want, download it, change it (if you're a developer) and load it back up to the repository. There's a tutorial on it here :-

If you want to debug the latest development versions of Gnome, you'll need to download CVS head source, and build them using autoconf, automake, configure and the gnu c compiler. Tutorial on this is here :-

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - find out how to make your pc work for the community

Raghu wrote:
Hi all!
I'm a new joinee to gnome-bugsquad! I'm a QA engineer working for a linux development team, Bangalore, India. Wanted to join community and know what's happening here!
I know community are very well  ahead of companies.
Wel, wat r some of the basics i should know? Can anyone tell me?
I don't know what a CVS means.... things like that..!

*/gnome-bugsquad-request gnome org/* wrote:

    Send Gnome-bugsquad mailing list submissions to
    gnome-bugsquad gnome org

    To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
    or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
    gnome-bugsquad-request gnome org

    You can reach the person managing the list at
    gnome-bugsquad-owner gnome org

    When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
    than "Re: Contents of Gnome-bugsquad digest..."

    Today's Topics:

    1. Reviving bug days (Vincent Untz)
    2. Re: Reviving bug days (Luis Villa)
    3. Re: Reviving bug days (Christian Kirbach)
    4. Post (Raghu)
    5. Re: Post (Christian Kirbach)
    6. Re: Reviving bug days (Andrew Sobala)
    7. Re: Post (Andrew Sobala)


    M essage: 1
    Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 23:37:38 +0200
    From: Vincent Untz
    Subject: Reviving bug days
    To: bugsquad
    Message-ID: <1119562658 8746 48 camel localhost localdomain>
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

    Hi everybody,

    It's been a long time since the last bug day. It's probably time to
    revive them :-)

    AFAIK, bug days did not happen anymore because of lack of time. It's
    indeed very time consuming if only one person has to organize them. But
    there are more than one guy in the bugsquad who can do it.

    I propose that each we list all the people who agree to run bug days and
    we'll have a kind of "organize the bug day" token that will be used to
    know who will organize the bug day. Of course, everybody will be welcome
    to help :-)

    I've been also wondering if the new bug days could be better if they'd
    be task-oriented. For example, triage all the bugs of an application,
    triage all the GNOME 2.6 bugs, close as much old NEEDINFO bugs as
    possible, etc.

    What do you think?


-- Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.


    Message: 2
    Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 17:42:33 -0400
    From: Luis Villa
    Subject: Re: Reviving bug days
    To: Vincent Untz
    Cc: bugsquad
    Message-ID: <2cb10c44050623144216cf4aeb mail gmail com>
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

    On 6/23/05, Vincent Untz wrote:
     > Hi everybody,
     > It's been a long time since the last bug day. It's probably time to
     > revive them :-)
     > AFAIK, bug days did not happen anymore because of lack of time. It's
     > indeed very time consuming if only one person has to organize
    them. But
     > there are more than one guy in the bugsquad who can do it.
     > I propose that each we list all the people who agree to run bug
    days and
     > we'll have a kind of "organize the bug day" token that will be
    used to
     > know who will organize the bug day. Of course, everybody will be
     > to help :-)

    Hrm. I might be able to take the token for two weeks from today.

     > I've been also wondering if the new bug days could be better if
     > be task-oriented. For example, triage all the bugs of an application,
     > triage all the GNOME 2.6 bugs, close as much old NEEDINFO bugs as
     > possible, etc.

    We have done that at times in the past, and it was generally quite
    successful- I definitely recommend it as a strategy for any future bug
    days. [I think it was originally andrew or elijah's idea.]



    Message: 3
    Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 09:07:08 +0200
    From: Christian Kirbach
    Su bject: Re: Reviving bug days
    To: bugsquad
    Message-ID: <1119596828 6578 15 camel localhost localdomain>
    Content-Type: text/plain

    Am Donnerstag, den 23.06.2005, 23:37 +0200 schrieb Vincent Untz:

     > indeed very time consuming if only one person has to organize
    them. But
     > there are more than one guy in the bugsquad who can do it.
    What are the organiser's tasks? Maybe you want to put a few notes on
    workspace on the Wiki about that.
    Maybe also some kind of schedule, i.e. date and goal/tasks schedule.

     > I've been also wondering if the new bug days could be better if
     > be task-oriented. For example, triage all the bugs of an application,
     > triage all the GNOME 2.6 bugs, close as much old NEEDINFO bugs as
     > possible, etc.
    This "round robin" approach is probably the best idea so that some of
    the mentioned categories will not become neglected.
    We should also adopt to circumstances like an upcoming release of a
    new GNOME series and concentrate e.g. on beta release/RC bugs etc.


    Message: 4
    Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 01:35:13 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Raghu
    Subject: Post
    To: gnome-bugsquad gnome org
    Message-ID: <20050624083513 79492 qmail web51809 mail yahoo com>
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


    I recently subscribed to bug squad.

    I got a mail saying, to post this list, send a mail to
    this ID.

    What is it to post?



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    Message: 5
    Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 12:02:48 +0200
    From: Christian Kirbach
    Subject: Re: Post*To: Raghu
    Cc: gnome-bugsquad gnome org
    Message-ID: <1119607368 6584 1 camel localhost localdomain>
    Content-Type: text/plain

    Am Freitag, den 24.06.2005, 01:35 -0700 schrieb Raghu:

     > What is it to post?

    Main Entry: post
    Function: transitive verb
    1 a : to publish, announce, or advertise by or as if by use of a placard
    b : to denounce by public notice
    c : to enter on a public listing
    d : to forbid (property) to trespassers under penalty of legal
    prosecution by notices placed along the boundaries e : SCORE
    70 in the final round>
    2 : to affix to a usual place (as a wall) for public notices : PLACARD


    Message: 6
    Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 13:57:30 +0100
    From: Andrew Sobala
    Subject: Re: Reviving bug days
    To: Christian Kirbach
    Cc: bugsquad
    Message-ID: <1119617850 8863 6 camel localhost localdomain>
    Content-Type: text/plain

    On Fri, 2005-06-24 at 09:07 +0200, Christian Kirbach wrote:
     > Am Donnerstag, den 23.06.2005, 23:37 +0200 schrieb Vincent Untz:
     > > indeed very time consuming if only one person has to organize
    them. But
     > > there are more than one guy in the bugsquad who can do it.
     > What are the organiser's tasks? Maybe you want to put a few notes
    on our
     > workspace on the Wiki about that.

    Choose a time, advertise it (bugsquad, gnome-love, gnome-list,
    footnotes, other?). If it's a targetted bug day, make sure you've got
    something that people can work through, eg. a tinyurl of bugs that need
    working on. Make sure you or other people are around on IRC to help
    newbies with getting involved. At least one person on IRC has privileges
    to create new bugsquadders (ie. can grant users editbugs and canconfirm)
    - this is something that bit us badly a couple of years back when it
    stopped being a Luis-only thing. He was on holiday :)

    It's the being-on-irc bit which takes time.

    Someone feel free to expand and wikify that if they want :)

     > > I've been also wondering if the new bug days could be better if
     > > be task-oriented. For example, triage all the bugs of an
     > > triage all the GNOME 2.6 bugs, close as much old NEEDINFO bugs as
     > > possible, etc.
     > This "round robin" approach is probably the best idea so that some of
     > the mentioned categories will not become neglected.
     > We should also adopt to circumstances like an upcoming release of a
     > new GNOME series and concentrate e.g. on beta release/RC bugs etc.

    Definitely. That's what we've done in the past.

-- Andrew


    Message: 7
    Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2 005 13:57:49 +0100
    From: Andrew Sobala
    Subject: Re: Post
    To: Raghu
    Cc: gnome-bugsquad gnome org
    Message-ID: <1119617869 8863 8 camel localhost localdomain>
    Content-Type: text/plain

    On Fri, 2005-06-24 at 01:35 -0700, Raghu wrote:
     > What is it to post?

    In this context, it means "to e-mail the list".
-- Andrew


    Gnome-bugsquad mailing list
    Gnome-bugsquad gnome org

    End of Gnome-bugsquad Digest, Vol 14, Issue 11


*Raghu *

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