Re: keyword cleanup

On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 11:46:53 -0500, Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> wrote:
> I'd like to nuke some keywords in the ongoing quest to keep things 'clean'.

You should also subscribe to gnome-bugsquad with your new email addy.  ;-)

> * PATCH: we have good patch editing by now. I'm not entirely sure of the
> status of querying for these, though, so perhaps we need to fix that
> before we remove PATCH altogether.
> * BLOCKED_BY_FREEZE: same as above, though we should flame the list
> about open BLOCKED_BY_FREEZE bugs before deleting it and losing the
> information.

The only objection I can think of to this would be that sometimes
someone submits an entirely new file (documentation or an entirely new
source code file or whatever), and thus technically it isn't a "patch"
(yeah, I know people *can* submit new files as part of a patch, but
some discourage this) and thus appear to fall outside the current
mechanisms.  Not that this is a good objection (it's a rare use case,
so I don't think these keywords would be used in searches and thus
would be useless), but it might be worthwhile to somehow indicate to
people that anything that is being considered for committing can be
marked as a patch whether or not it technically really is.

> * 1.x-parity: I don't think we care about GNOME 1.x parity anymore.
> * DOCS_NEEDED: evidence suggests this is not used ATM.
> * PATCH_NEEDED: patches are always needed. I hate this keyword. :)

Agreed, nuke em.

> * HELPWANTED: doesn't make much sense to me, but appears to be more
> widely used- perhaps someone should review the open ones to see how they
> are used in the wild?

Any volunteers?  (If we do keep it, maybe we should make others more
aware of it?)

> * screenshot: do we care? why do we need this information?

I have used this a number of times and even added it to bugs I was
triaging, but now that you ask about it, I can't imagine anyone doing
a search with this keyword and so it appears to be useless.

> * ximian: hasn't been used in ages.

You would know better than anyone whether this is still needed or can
be nuked.  ;-)

Others to add to your list:
* bugbuddy: We are keeping up on this so poorly as to become less than
useless.  Most of the bugs that appear in bug-buddy are no longer
being duplicated at all, and most of the bugs that are being
duplicated aren't appearing.  We should replace this with the output
of something like; then the
list is automatically updated for us.

* mandrake: This isn't being used.  There are a total of two bugs with
this keyword, and both were closed well over two years ago.

* purify: Actually, it doesn't really need to be removed, but if it's
kept it needs a rename.  Unfortunately, the only name I can think of
at the moment is valgrind, but it'd be great if we could think of a
more general name.


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