Maximum results to return from query

Searching for a bug can produce lots of results. Some queries can
return all the bugs in the database. The script has a very idiotic way
to protect against such queries (nothing after the ? in the URL or just

A java program was requesting:
This caused buglist.cgi to retrieve all bugs. I've blocked his IP &
changed buglist.cgi to reject above query, but the java program already
had 3 buglist.cgi processes running on window, each consuming lots of
processor time (20min) & memory (180MB+).

Ideally buglist.cgi should contain a better detection of such queries.

Another way would be to limit the number of bugs in the SQL. This isn't
perfect as the java process would still return lots of results, but it
is easy to implement. This is what I want to do now.

My question: What is the maximum number of bugs you would ever want to
see as a query result? I'm guessing 2000.


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