Re: How can I help testing ?

Hi, and welcome!

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 23:32:05 +1100, Rod Butcher
<rbutcher hyenainternet com> wrote:
> Hi, I'd like to help with Gnome if I can (I think it's great).. I'm not
> a C programmer but I know about building software and testing.. I've
> built 2.9 from source & CVS.
> Do you have a test schedule associated with new releases, or do I just
> downloaded whatever's the latest and use it and report problems ?

Unfortunately, we currently do more of the latter (though it's helpful
to note the Gnome 2.9 schedule as well, at  It'd be great if we could put
something more thorough together; having bug days that also include
testing would also be cool.  We'd happily take volunteers to spearhead
doing either of these.  ;-)  However, one thing that would be very
helpful is if you (and anyone else on this list) would look out for
possibile showstoppers and mark them with the 2.10.0 Gnome Milestone,
so that we don't let important bugs fall through the cracks.  If you
are interested in helping with this, I can give you permissions to
change bugs.

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