
I'm going to be taking a brief leave of absence from Ximian and this
particular continent until Apr. 30th to take a deep breath and reaquaint
myself with my recently-returned-from-Peace-Corps significant other. I
will be checking personal (directed exactly at louie ximian com) email
about once a week while I'm away, but not bug-list or other such mail
(if I can at all help it. :)

Andrew Sobala has volunteered to help organize some bug days while I'm
gone; I hope others who have volunteered to help out with this in the
past will help him out and clean up some mess while I'm gone. :) 

Anyway, hope to see you all happy and healthy again in May, and hope
that I return more able to focus on gnome bugs and where we need to go
from here to make gnome a more pants-free^Wbug-free piece of code.


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