2.4 enhancements in the release notes

Folks -

Based on Alex Duggan's bugzilla querying skills
(http://makeashorterlink.com/?S27F22875) I'm currently making the
following claim in the release notes:

        GNOME 2.4 includes ... more than 100 user-requested
        enhancements, evidence of the user-driven community development
        process used to create each GNOME release.

I'd be a happier guy if someone had the time to actually go through the
114 bugs returned by that query and see how many of them really deserve
the claim "user-requested enhancements". I think hackers' responsiveness
to user requests is important and worth bragging on, but I don't want to
oversell this point with a big number that's not justifiable.

Anyone up for the task of pawing through those bugs and telling me how
many qualify?


John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h)

"Become as one with the ball and the pin.
Then return shoes to the counter after use."
 - Zippy the Pinhead

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