Open source software research


I am new in this list. I am doing research on identifying high risk areas
in software development for more focused quality improvement efforts. For
example, what complexity range is more vulnerable or defect-prone for a
software module.

As you might have heard, there are some different complexity metrics such
as McCabe's, Halstead, etc to measure code complexity. However, although
research in this area started in late 70's, it is progressing slowly
mainly because of unavailability of industrial data. Also, empirical
software engineering has not been favored by many researchers, who saw the
solution more in always suggesting new models, tools, techniques, or
processes (such as object oriented design, SEI's capability maturity
model, etc). However, nowadays, it is the time people are looking at
results supported with data and robust statistical analysis rather than
implicitly accepting phrases for example "object oriented is the way to
go, it allows reuse, information hiding, etc.. If it is useful, hypotheses
should be proven empricially.

In the open source community, more data is available, because the
philosophy is different than industrial partners, who always need to hide
their data for competition. For example,
includes very useful defect data for research. Also, since Gnome is open
source it is possible to measure it and reach some useful conclusions.
This would also help in proving the perceived benefits of open source
development model such as reliability improvement emprically and get more
attention from masses.

Yet, to do some research in this direction, I need to ask questions about
how these data have been collected and I need some further information
about the context. Do you know any people who can be interested in this
and answer my questions? Or is this list the right place to raise these
kinds of questions. I appreciate any reply. My contact information is at
the bottom.

Best Regards,


A. Gunes Koru

Research Assistant, Ph.D. Student

Southern Methodist University
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Science and Information Building Room 317
Dallas, TX 75205

Home: 214 691 5633
Work: 214 768 2005
Cell: 214 893 7311
Email: gkoru engr smu edu


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