Re: Bugs with patches [plus lots of bits on keywords]

On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 01:35, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 06:31:21AM +0100, mike wrote:
> > Anyone know if it is possible to pull off a bugzilla query listing those
> > bugs with patches available
> In theory, that's what the "patch" keyword is for. Any bugs with
> patches should have that keyword set.

Yes! As you're going around adding bug_squad, there are a couple of
other 'key' keywords to be setting; PATCH is definitely one of them. A
couple others:

perf - for performance related bugs
usability - this is generally not 'it would be more poweful for me if we
added this feature'- resist that temptation. :)
multihead- related to the 2.2 multiple-monitor features.
I18N- breaks internationalization, like 'this string can't be
L10N- breaks localization, like 'this string is translated incorrectly.'
accessibility- related to problems for the handicapped, etc.

Anyway, remembering to set these accurately/well is always a good idea,
and help makes it easier to find things. 

Luis [more joyful email later today :)

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