Re: simple but possibly important bugzilla keyword cleanup

So is this going forward, Luis? If so, when?

On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 23:48, Luis Villa wrote:
> After much discussion, the bugsquad would like to change some keywords
> around. Since currently I'm on the hook for about 95% of the uses of
> these keywords in bugzilla, I don't expect anyone will object to these
> much, but... I hope it'll make things more clear. If it doesn't, or if
> this would break scripts, or what have you, please speak up; I'll be
> changing them on Friday unless I hear otherwise.
> Current keyword-> new keyword [explanation]
> GNOME1.4 -> GNOVER1.4 
> GNOME2.1.x -> GNOVER2.1
> These keywords have been used to indicate what version of GNOME the bug
> was found in. Hence, GNOVER_X_. Every bug in a package that is part of
> GNOME proper should get at least one of these three keywords at some
> point, or be closed as being too old if it is in GNOME < 1.4.
> GNOME2.0.1->TARGET2.0.1
> GNOME2.0.2->TARGET2.0.2
> GNOME2.0.3->TARGET2.0.3
> GNOME2.1.2->TARGET2.1.2
> GNOME2.2.0->TARGET2.2.0
> These keywords have been used like target milestones during the course
> of the 2.0 release process; refering to them as targets instead of just
> 'GNOME' should make their usage much more clear, I hope.
> Also, by popular bug squad request (or more like frequent complaint)
> bug_squad will become bugsquad. 
> Hope this is clear/useful- /please/ let me know ASAP if there is some
> problem with this. Hopefully it'll give us a schema that will work
> better going forward.
> Luis
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John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)

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