GNOME 2.8 Release Bash, Perth

Hello GNOMEies,

As you may, or may not know, GNOME 2.8 is being released on Wednesday
the 15th of September (that's one week away). Since Perth is 8 hours in
the future, we've decided to hold a little bash on Thursday instead.

Details in brief:
Where:	Nedlands Park Hotel, aka Steve's
Who:	Everyone who gives a damn about GNOME
When:	Thursday 16th of September, around 7.30pm
	(meet in the Beer Garden)

Come along for what is always a great night out!

Continued discussion should be on the gnome-au-list (see for information on
subscribing). Please feel free to forward this email onto anyone you
feel may be interested. Apologies for cross-posting.

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