GDM2 2.14.0 (stable), the "Configurable" release


(If you have no clue what gdm is, skip a few paragraphs down first)

The 2.14.0 release is a stable release of GDM2 that contains all the
exciting new features added since GDM 2.8.  The reason that the minor
version bumped from 8 to 14 was to better match the GNOME release

New features include a revamped gdmsetup program that better conforms
to the HIG and implements usability suggestions from Calum Benson.
Internally GDM's configuration management was rewritten to support
system-wide and machine specific configuration.   Other GDM GUI
programs have also received HIG attention.  GDM has some performance
tunings and no longer depends on libgnome or libgnomeui.

GDM greeter themes now support an "Options" button which causes the
F10 menu to appear.  This can be used to create less cluttered themes.
Also greeter themes can now specify which GTK+ theme to use to
control the appearance of the F10/Options menu, the entry field,
and other GTK+ widgets used by the theme.

There is a new "secure remote" feature and a new "prefetch" feature
that can optionally be turned on via configure arguments.  Refer to
the GDM documentation for details.

The GDM documentation and the gdmdynamic program have been
improved.  Many bug fixes.


Previously GDM supported a single configuration file called

Now GDM supports distribution defaults in /usr/share/gdm/defaults.conf.
If this file is mounted across multiple systems, then sysadmins can
have a single file which controls GDM's default behavior.

Machine-specific changes are stored in /etc/gdm/custom.conf.  To be
backwards compatible, if the system still has an old gdm.conf file,
this file will continue to be used instead of custom.conf.  gdmsetup
will work with whichever file is being used by GDM.

2.14.0 stuff:

- Now GDM will update the actual custom configuration file used by
  the daemon, so if gdm.conf is being used by the daemon, it will
  also be edited by gdmsetup.

- Now the Options menu will appear below the button if there is room,
  and above the button otherwise.  Previously it always appeared above,
  even if there was no room.

- Fix sound-on-login-success and sound-on-login-failure configuration
  options so they are honored.  Previously the sounds were playing even
  if set to false.

- Translation updates (Stanislav Brabec, Beno\303\256t Dejean,
  Laurent Dhima, Priit Laes, Ole Laursen, Lukas Novotny, Daniel
  Nylander, Rajest Ranjan, Alexander Shopov, Mugurel Tudor, Ilkka
  Tuohela, Tommi Vainikainen, Vincent van Adrighem)

Note:  GDM2 was originally written by Martin K. Petersen <mkp mkp net>.
Much work has been done on GDM2 by George Lebl, and Brian Cameron
currently shares maintainership duties with the Queen of England.

Note2:  If installing from the tarball do note that make install
overwrites most of the setup files, all except gdm.conf.  It will
however save backups with the .orig extension first.

Note3:  Note3 has been depracated ...


Online Documentation:

No RPM this time around BTW.  Have fun.  A spec file is included though,
so you can try:

  rpmbuild -ta gdm-whatever.tar.gz

Have fun,


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