Revelation 0.4.1 "The Noble Eightfold Path" released

Revelation is a password manager for the GNOME 2 desktop, released under
the GNU GPL license. It stores all your accounts and passwords in a
single, secure place, and gives you access to it through a user-friendly
graphical interface.

This release fixes alot of bugs, including quite a few crashers.
Password checking has also been added, based on the cracklib library,
and the current data file can now be automatically locked after a period
of inactivity. There have also been some improvements to the user

New features:
- option to autolock file after a period of inactivity
- check password strength while entering, using cracklib
- ask user to reload file if it is changed outside revelation
- added preference to select doubleclick action; go to, or edit
- added password checker dialog
- improved the preference dialog
- improved user interface for copying passwords (and optionally
  usernames) to the clipboard

- use correct encoding in data files
- workaround for incorrect data file encoding (as generated by 0.4.0)
- make undo actually work for edit actions
- don't crash when redoing an undone edit action
- don't crash when unable to save file (wrong permissions etc)
- don't crash when loading missing icons from theme
- fix potential crash on quit with some pygtk versions
- workaround for gnome-python bug causing crashes on 64-bit systems
  when changing a preference
- workaround for gnome-python 2.9.x crasher bug in the session client
- properly handle invalid data in data files
- prefs, password generator and search dialogs are no longer modal
- display non-ascii characters in filenames correctly
- use fallback folder icons when not found in theme
- hide any open dialogs when locking the file
- don't steal clipboard events from widgets in main window
- update icons on theme change
- use better lock icon
- use better stock icons for dialog buttons
- left-align labels in link-buttons (for URLs etc)

Code changes:
- cleaned up the build-system and source file layout

Project website:


Erik Grinaker <erikg codepoet no>

"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of
life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be
enthusiastic about."
                                                  -- Albert Einstein

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