ANNOUNCE: GnomePythonExtras 2.13.0 (unstable)

GnomePythonExtras 2.13.0 has been just released.  This is a unstable
release for testing purposes.

  GnomePythonExtras provides python interfacing modules for some GNOME
libraries not part of the Developer Platform.  The following Python
modules are included:

  - gtkhtml2
  - gnomeapplet
  - gnomeprint, gnomeprint.ui
  - gtksourceview
  - egg.trayicon
  - egg.recent
  - wnck
  - gtkspell
  - gtkmozembed
  - gdl
  - totem.plparser
  - gtop
  - nautilusburn
  - gda
  - gksu, gksu.ui
  - mediaprofiles

  The source tarball can be found here:

  Please file bug reports (bugs, missing APIs) here:

Overview of Changes from 2.12.1 to 2.13.0
* gda
 - Require libgda 2.0 instead of 1.2 (Murray Cumming)
* gnomepanel
 - Wrap panel_applet_get_background (Gustavo Carneiro)
* egg.recent
 - Wrap egg_recent_model_get_list (Gustavo)
* wnck
 - Wrap wnck_tasklist_get_size_hint_list (Gustavo)
 - Double-free fixes (Alex Graveley)

Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
<gjc inescporto pt> <gustavo users sourceforge net>
The universe is always one step beyond logic

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