Application =========== GNOME CPUFreq Applet 0.1.2 Description =========== GNOME CPUFreq Applet is a CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor for GNOME Panel Features ======== * Support for proc or sys filesystems * Support for multiprocessor systems Prerequisites ============= * GNOME 2 libraries * GNOME Panel libraries * GNOME-VFS libraries * GConf Overview of Changes in GNOME CPUFreq Applet 0.1.2 ================================================= * Saved settings after the reboot of the session. (Carlos García, Alain Perry) * Added "show frequency units" option in frequency mode. (Carlos García) * Not "CPU usage", but "CPU frequency". Adapted the preferences dialog accordingly. (Hans Ulrich Niedermann) * Added French translation. (Thomas de Grenier de Latour) * Updated help. (Carlos García) * Some code cleanups and bugfixes. (Carlos Garcia) Thanks to everybody who sent me comments, suggestions, bugs, patches, etc. For the moment: Tarballs can be downloaded from GNOME CPUFreq Applet is currently being packaged as part of Debian Unstable Other Binaries Screeshots Bugs can be reported to carlosgc gnome org Suggestions, patches, comments, etc can be sent to carlosgc gnome org GNOME Software Map entry ======================== -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Carlos Garcia Campos a.k.a. KaL elkalmail yahoo es carlosgc gnome org Grupo Linups Usuarios de SL/Linux de la UPSAM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PGP key:
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