Bug Buddy "Sex, lies and Div-Xs" released

       Hello GNOMErs!
Bug Buddy "Sex, lies and Div-Xs" is out!
        This is the latestdevolopment version of the GNOME bug reporting
tool. Some new dialogs and features in this release, and the best is
coming. If you are looking for a stable Bug Buddy releae, get the latest 
2.2.x version.
Please, try it a lot, and of course, reports bugs using itseft!
        and if you want to know about the release name... read the
of the announcement!
 * Fixes:
	- Print the progress label only when all files/sizes are
	- Use "Distributor" from gnome-version.xml instead of "Vendor"
 * Improvements:
	- Use the bug-buddy icon in the about dialog
	- include distribution version in the bug report
	- New first page when invoked from scratch, asking the user to
	  select the "kind" of bug he wants to report. Set priorities and
	  keywords based on this info.


About "Sex, lies and Div-Xs"

Well, this is just another silly release name, you know...


Fernando Herrera de las Heras
Onírica: análisis, diseño e implantación de soluciones informáticas

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