ANNOUNCE: General Applet Interface Library 0.4.1


General Applet Interface Library 0.4.1


A library to simplify the writing of Gnome Panel applets

 - New function:
   void gai_init_draw_foreground_with_alpha(void);
   If your applet will draw images on the foreground that has
   an alpha channel, you have to call this function at start-up
   to assure that things works as expected.
   But don't call this function if you don't have images with
   alpha channel, since it will comsume some cpu power. Not much,
   but unnessecary.
 - Added gai_init_on_exit_function(gai_function *). 
   Tells GAI if the applet needs to run something when it quits.
 - Menu help is off by default now.
   gai_init_menu_no_help() is outdated.
 - Added function to change the updating interval when the
   applet is running.
   void gai_update_interval_change(int);
 - Started to work on different background settings in Gnome Panel
   mode, but it seems like the Panel is abit buggy and not
   really finished. So I'll leave this open until next stable
   release of gnome. It isn't worth trying to change something
   from the default gray colour on the Panel.
   It will just look odd on everything except on the built in
 - Updated documentation.
 - Started on a "GAI programmer's FAQ"

 - gdk-pixbuf is buggy with alpha channel. Wrote own routine to
   draw alpha channel images.
 - Fixed bug with xpm backgrounds didn't know it's size.
 - More Makefile fixes. This time to make it work with FreeBSD.
 - Updated template script with version check.
 - Makefile fixes (Thanks Francois!)
 - Fixed bug with transparent background images.
 - Fixed sizing bug with vertical panels.


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