ANNOUNCE: Java-Gnome 0.8.2

Java-Gnome provides Java libraries for creating GTK+ and GNOME
applications using the Java programming language. This is a truly free
graphical system for Java, including support for glade, a GUI building
tool; for GNOME application developers, it provides a convenient object
orientated API without any worries of memory management. 

Changes since 0.8.1:
 - Initial support for gconf and libgtkhtml added
 - Event handling for gtk Entry widget added
 - Event handling of many gtk Widgets fixed
 - Various other big fixes
 - Restructured source tree, separation of libraries into separate
   tarballs (one for each major gnome library, where possible; plus an
   all-in-one tarball containing everything)

The restructuring of the source tree was done so that we can comply with
the rules of the new GNOME bindings release set. This is a new group
containing gnome bindings, signifying quality of bindings; it is also
the first step toward getting applications written in languages other
than C accepted in the main gnome desktop.

We will be making a number of other changes in order to comply with the
gnome bindings release set:

- Java-Gnome 0.8.x will now enter maintenance mode. New releases will
  only include bug fixes. 
- Java-Gnome 0.9 branch will be created now. This will include the
  latest development work, which will be targeted toward gnome 2.5.1. 
  Odd numbered releases such as these will always contain developmental
  code. Even numbered releases will be stable release, with no API
- Development releases will be made to follow the gnome bindings release
  schedule. This includes 0.9.0 release in a few days time, followed by
  releases roughly every two weeks. 
- Java-Gnome 1.0 will be released just after Gnome Desktop version 2.6.
  This will fully support the new gnome 2.6 API; Java-Gnome 1.0.x
  releases will be bug fix releases only.
- This will continue, with new stable releases every 6 months, following
  the gnome release schedules.

Java-Gnome 0.8.2 is available from the java-gnome sourceforge pages. The
website will be updated soon to reflect these changes.

We need help
 - Adding support for the latest gnome libraries
 - Translating documentation 
 - Writing example apps and tutorials
 - Checking our API coverage and usability
 - Testing the latest bindings for gnome 2.5
If you are interested, please do get involved. We will be more than
happy to help developers who are new to open source, particularly with
the writing of new example apps.

0.8.2 release md5sums:
c1ea2b3c0400a735f6c9b9745fd87aba  java-gnome-0.8.2.tar.bz2
47427fed368cc140c298a1df4466dc1b  libgtk-java-0.8.2.tar.bz2
2dd9c241349cd113e503bba054064047  libgnome-java-0.8.2.tar.bz2
7619beb2a23872314006414c50076991  libglade-java-0.8.2.tar.bz2
f8b55ba1a75d8607166f21c4fde3a81f  libgconf-java-0.8.2.tar.bz2
d1e0f529dd549a3e24c4d0475bc33a40  libvte-java-0.8.2.tar.bz2
89669d3240e59775c294ab31363c85cf  libgtkhtml-java-0.8.2.tar.bz2

  .''`. Mark Howard
 : :' :
 `. `' 
   `-   mh debian org | mh tildemh com | mh344 cam ac uk 

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