ANN: Pan, "Between Empire State Building and between Trafalgar Square"

Pan, "Between Empire State Building and between Trafalgar Square",
has been released.  It can be found at
What is Pan?

        Pan is a newsreader, loosely based on Agent and Gravity, which
        attempts to be pleasant to use for new and advanced users alike.
        It has all the typical features found in newsreaders and also
        supports offline newsreading, article filtering, multiple connections,
        and a number of extra features for power users and alt.binaries fans.

        It's also the only Unix newsreader to get a perfect score on the
        Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval evaluations.  See for the rest of the
        sales pitch.


	This bugfix release corrects a handful of nasty gui lockups,
	crashes, and deadlocks.

What's New in

       BUG FIXES

        * Fixed bug that caused a GUI lockup under arcane 
          circumstances when reading articles.	

        * Fixed bug that caused Pan to crash when emptying
          a group which had an article displayed in the text pane.
          Thanks to Jean Ribiere for reporting this bug.

        * Fixed bug that caused a GUI lockup under other
          arcane circumstances.  Thanks to Torbjorn Olofsson for
          reporting this bug.

        * Fixed bug that caused the first article read to
          not be displayed if the user started up Pan in zoom mode.
          Thanks to Stefan Van Theemsche and Douglas Bollinger
          for reporting this bug.

        * Fixed several other deadlock issues.  Thanks to
          Gabi Davar for reporting some of these.

        * Now handles '~' in the TMPDIR environmental variable.
          Thanks to Jukka Salmi for suggesting this change.

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