ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 1.3.10

*** gtkmm2

gtkmm provides a C++ interface to GTK+. This unstable branch of gtkmm
wraps gtk+ 2.0.x

*** Changes since gtkmm 1.3.9

* Now builds with {G,GDK,GTK}_DISABLE_DEPRECATED - some methods removed;
  entirely removed Gdk::Font and Gtk::Progress. (Daniel Elstner)
* Reference documentation:
  - Some automatic C->C++ conversion when reusing C reference documentation:
  - enums and flags grouped together.
  - html post-processed to produce "int& someint" instead of "int &someint".
  - Some example code merged into the refernce docs.
  (Daniel Elstner)
* Gtk::TreeView:
  - Gtk::TreeIter is a bit more like a STL iterator.
  - Gtk::ListStore has a more STL-like interface.
  - Gtk::TreeModelColumn - new class used to contain column type and number.
  - Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord - new class to contain all TreeModelColumns.
  - examples/demos updated accordingly.
  (Daniel Elstner)
* gtkmm now uses its own enums, in the Gtk namespace. (Daniel Elstner)
* Gtk::ProgressBar: removed deprecated Adjustment stuff, leaving just the
  new fraction-orientated interface. (Daniel Elstner)
* Some .hg format changes needed by bonobomm. (Murray Cumming)
* new Glib::IOSource for watching file descriptor. (Martin Schultze)

*** Download

You will need the alpha release of libsigc++1.1, available here:

If you wish to install this in parallel with gtk--1.2, you will first 
need to update to the latest libsigc++1.0.x, available here:

*** Development 

This is an unstable release, currently under heavy development. You can find 
cvs instructions here:

The CHANGES file describes some of the more significant differences 
compared to gtkmm 1.2:

There is also ongoing discussion on the mailing list:
and in the #c++ channel on  

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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