[UNSTABLE] GTK+ and GLib 1.3.1 released

GTK+ and GLib 1.3.1 have been released. These are developer's preview
releases of the unstable branches of GTK+ and GLib. They are intended
for people interesting in getting a first look at the new APIs and
features in GTK+-2.0.


These packages are known to be buggy, and incomplete. Very little
testing has been done for portability. They compile my machine.
Beyond that, we make no guarantees.

Unmodified GTK+-1.2 programs will not compile against these
libraries. We are aware of no software that has been ported
to these libraries. If you are not a developer, you almost
certainly do not want these packages.

These packages CANNOT be used to replace your existing GTK+ and
GLib. The tarballs and RPMS have been designed to be installed in
parallel to an existing GTK+ configuration, so do NOT remove your
existing GTK+ installation.

What's new

Overview of Changes in GTK+ 1.3.1:

* GTK+ now uses the Pango library for text manipulation. All strings
  in GTK+ now are in UTF-8 encoded Unicode. Languages written from
  right-to-left, and complex-text languages are now supported.
* The gdk-pixbuf library for image loading and manipulation is 
  has been integrated with GTK+.
* The GTK+ object system has mostly been moved to GLib, separating
  it from the GUI code. Many significant enhancements have been
  made as part of this.
* A new text widget is now included. This started as a port
  of the Tk text widget, and includes such features of the Tk
  text widget as tags, marks, and unicode text support. It
  has been enhanced to support model-view operation and the
  full power of Pango.
* The GDK library has been extensively revised to support multiple
  windowing systems. The only fully functional backend in 1.3.1
  is the X11 backend, however, ports to Win32, Linux-framebuffer,
  Nano-X, BeOS, and MacOS exist in various states of completion,
  and at least some of these will be finished and integrated in 
  before the final GTK+-2.0 release.
* 32-bit coordinates are now supported throughout GDK and GTK+
  (they are emulated where not supported by the windowing system.)
* Many minor bug fixes and enhancements. Incompatible changes
  are documented in docs/Changes-2.0.txt

What's new in GLib 1.3.1:

* New GObject library added including object system based on
  the GTK+ object system. 
* Functions for getting the properties of Unicode characters, 
  computing the canonical decomposition and ordering combining
  characters aand manipulating UTF-8 string manipulation based
  on libunicode.
* GString now properly handles embedded nuls.
* Multiple fixes from the 1.2.x branch.
* Upgrade to libtool 1.3.3
* Full thread support (thread creation and destruction).
* BeOS port, BeOS dynamic modules.
* Many improvements to the Windows ports.
* Improvements to the OS/2 port, OS/2 module support.
* Double ended queue implementation.
* New thread-safe random number generator Mersenne Twister.


GLib-1.3.1 and GTK+-1.3.1 are available from:


RPM packages of the unstable versions of GLib, FriBidi, Pango, and
GTK+ are available from:


Included are i386 RPMS and SRPMS for Red Hat 6.2. (The SRPMS will most
likely work on similar systems, the RPMS may work on similar systems.)


Several new libraries are now required to build GTK+.
Suitable versions of these packages can be found at:


or from their original locations. 

 - The Pango text layout and rendering library:


   Pango, in turn, requires the FriBidi library, available from:


   Note that in order to use fribidi-0.12 with GLib-1.3.1, you'll
   need to apply the patch:


 - The libtiff, libgiff, and libjpeg image libraries. You most
   likely have these installed on your system already. If not
   these libraries are available from:


   If these libraries are not available, the corresponding 
   image loaders will simply not be built. However, this
   may cause applications using GTK+ not to function properly.

Trying it Out

If you install the unstable GTK+ from RPMS, the testgtk program (a
widget tour) and testtext program (a simple text editor using the new
text widget) will be installed in /usr/bin. If you compile from
source, these programs can be found in the gtk/ subdirectory.
(Other demos are found in the demos/ subdirectory.)

Reporting Problems

Bug reports should be submitted by mail to the GNOME bug tracker at
http://bugs.gnome.org. Instructions for reporting bugs by mail can be
found in the README file for GTK+.

Patches and other assorted comments should go to 
gtk-devel-list@gnome.org. See:


Owen Taylor <otaylor@redhat.com>
14 July 2000

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