Glade-- 0.5.6 available

A new Version of the glade (Gtk GUI builder) to C++ converter is
available at
and at your favorite gnomecvs mirror.

- bug fixes for adjustments, clist signals
- initial (not working) libglade[--] code
- bug fixes in custom widget
- severe bug fixes in widget tree iterator (the bugs killed dialog)
- fixed dialog
- autoconf/make generation should work out of the box now
- generated file hierarchy changed (autoconf/make files are now above
- if glade-- is called by glade, the destination directory should be 
  correct in more cases.

These are some really important bugfixes, so upgrading is highly

For now I'm coding towards:
- more gnome widgets (and packer)
- Gtk-1.1+ support
- libglade--

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