Re: Writing free documentation/GNOME books

Sorry for my little intrusion, it's the first and last time.

I think there is some sort of "misunderstanding" about Miguel proposal: all
replies focus on the state of GNOME documentation - it is good, it lacks,
before GTK documentation ... - but that's not the point at all.

The main point is: OPEN-SOURCE documentation; and is a GREAT idea, in any way
it will be applied.
Just think what open source software model did in the computer industry (and
how it was hard to demonstrate this and how is now universally recognized)
and transpose this to the publishing industry: a new revolution in the way
knowledge is transmitted, despite the "intellectual property" (in fact held
by the publisher, not the author); aimed by the fact that Internet helps to
cut-off intermediate persons who doesn't add value to the documentation.

Come on people, think of it, talk of it, write of it ... do it!
I whould like to read Stallman's opinion about this.
Thanks to Miguel for his idea (or for the diffusionn of the idea).


P.S.: maybe this is the worst english I ever wrote.

Miguel de Icaza wrote:

>    Free documentation (Open Source documentation) is important for a
> number of reasons:
>        1. If documentation is OpenSourced -we- can maintain the
>           documentation gradually even if the original author is no
>           longer interested in writing these books.
>        2. Users can get online versions of the documentation with the
>           system.
>        3. Documentation can be reused.  Just like software in other
>           books, or as part of a system documentation (ie, think
>           GNU/Linux distributions).
>        4. People can reuse bits of the documentation in other projects
>           for the parts that apply.  They can reuse this documentation
>           for a possibly modified/extended version of the code, or to
>           reflect a branded-version of the code.
>        5. We can put the books online on the web site.  We can create
>           comprenhensive web sites that have tutorials online that
>           people can link to from technical information and the other
>           way around.

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