Gnumeric 0.28 has been released

Hello guys,

   I have just released version 0.28 of Gnumeric.

   This version main feature is that it adds printing support.
Starting with this release you need to install the gnome-print

* Availability

* New Features since 0.27

	* Printing support (miguel).

	  Yes, we can print now.  Nicely.  Lots of features are
	  supported, some others are not, but I will get them all by 0.29.

	* Improved function wizard (not yet enabled) (Michael)

* New Tools
	* Started the implementation of Data Analysis tools (Jukka)
    	    - Implemented Correlation and Covariance tools
    	    - Implemented Descriptive Statistics Tool
    	    - Implemented Sampling Tool
    	    - Implemented t-Test Tools (paired, assuming equal variance, and
    	      assuming unequal variance)
    	    - Implemented z-Test Tool
    	    - Implemented F-Test Tool
    	    - Implemented Random Number Generation Tool with the following
    	      distributions: Discrete, Normal, and Uniform.
* New Functions

	* Added the following functions (Jukka)
	    - FORECAST() and INTERCEPT().

* Excel support

	* Patterns now match the Excel ones (Jody)

	* Improved writing code (Michael)
	  * Excel can load our formulas now
	  * Text/number work correct (Michael)

	* Completed Excel color handling (Jody)

	* Improved Excel format support for formulas (Jody).

	* Worked on embryonic Excel chart code (Jody).

* File I/O

	* Working CSV code (miguel, alan)

	* Split between importers and loaders (miguel):

	  Importers basically lack a probing routine, so for
	  non-deterministic probing, we use importing instead of loading.

	* HTML importer (Rasca Gmelch)

	* HTML exporter (Rasca)

	* Latex exporter (Rasca)

* Random improvements

	* Prettified sort slightly (Michael).

* Major Bug fixes

	* Pattern selector works again (miguel)

	* Memory leak fixes (Morten)

	* SUMIF() and N() fixed (Jukka).

	* Many translations updated, thanks to our translators.

Best wishes,

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