Re: Dummy speech driver

I think we ought to have a separate gnome-speech driver for this rather than use the SpeechDispatcher back-end, so that the appropriate gnome-speech driver can be chosen at runtime (for instance from "test-speech") instead of having to tweak the SpeechDispatcher backend.
While I think SpeechDispatcher is a good candidate for a common solution 
going forward, for the moment not everyone has it.


Milan Zamazal wrote:

"PdM" == Pedro de Medeiros <pedro medeiros gmail com> writes:
   PdM> I was wondering if it would be interesting to have a dummy
   PdM> speech driver in gnome-speech that sends text as output, so one
PdM> could send it to a named pipe, a program or a line printer.
I think you can simply use Speech Dispatcher backend with a custom
trivial command line output driver where you replace GenericExecuteSynth
with whatever you want, see
/etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/dtk-generic.conf for an example.
(The Speech Dispatcher backend should be available in gnome-speech CVS.)


Milan Zamazal

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