gnome-mag and gnopernicus magnifier services TODOs


We are with a group in a university studying accessibility and we want to know what gnome-mag and gnopernicus needs to improve and what is essencial to do now to grant a good development in the future, because we think that if us start to develop in other way that don't be compatible with these projects is an duplication of efforts.

What must be implemented in gnome-mag and gnopernicus to improve the magnifier services?

I used gnopernicus and saw that the magnifier service provided by gnome-mag have some problems when it's started, leaving the magnifier area with a lot of trash and after some time of use the update of the trashed areas stay ok. Why the trashed areas don't works fine after the start of the application? What it can be and what must be done to solve it?

What are the plans in gnome-mag, mainly for the full-screen. There is any roadmap of what can be used to acquire a good full-screen service. I saw this video and is showed some operations in zoom in and out with very amazing results (anyone can identify what was used to acquire that?). The Composite Extension is a good solution? I run once full-screen magnification with a dummy device, but the results aren't very good. The magnified area sometimes stay only in 1/4 of the screen, there are ways to control this?

Someone here saw Lunar or ZoomText magnifier for Windows? They have some resources very interesting in half magnifier screen mode. How the same effect can be acquired? I think that using the composite extension can be a way. What do you think?

The documentation of gnopernicus (the magnifier part) and gnome-mag are very poor. What is the better thing to do, an API reference with doxygen or class diagrams? An API reference is simple to generate with doxygen, why this was not done yet? There is no need for it yet?


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