Re: gnome-speech and the fonix dectalk synthesizer

Here's what I've done to get the gnome-speech driver for DECtalk
working on Fedora Core 3:

  1) DECtalk installs itself into /usr/local.  This means that
     the system library loader needs to search /usr/local/lib
     for shared libraries.  I *thought* Fedora tended to do this
     by default via /etc/, but I find that I need to
     explicitly set my "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib".

  2) Some usually goes awry with my DECtalk install and I tend
     to create /usr/include/dtk as a symbolic link to the include
     directory that comes with the DECtalk runtime.

  3) I run "./autogen --prefix=/usr".  Dang the torpedos, full
     speed ahead.  :-)

  4) After doing a make and make install, I run
     /usr/bin/dectalk-synthesis-driver by hand to make sure it
     works.  More often than not, I discover cannot
     be found because I forgot to set my LD_LIBRARY_PATH or
     update /etc/

Can you try running /usr/bin/dectalk-synthesis-driver to see if
it runs (a success means that it just quietly sits there and
doesn't exit).  If it runs, the next thing to try is to keep it
running and then try test-speech from a different window.  If
all that works, then you probably need to tell Fedora to look in
/usr/local/lib for additional shared libraries.


On Jun 6, 2005, at 1:45 PM, Donald Raikes wrote:

I am using fedora core 3 (speakup version) kernel 2.6.11-1.14_spk_smp.

I used the command configure to configure gnome-speech, and did a make then make install.

Do I need to pass some specific parameters to the configure?

-----Original Message-----
From: William Walker Sun COM [mailto:William Walker Sun COM]On Behalf Of
Willie Walker
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 5:50 AM
To: don raikes oracle com
Cc: gnome-accessibility-list gnome org
Subject: Re: gnome-speech and the fonix dectalk synthesizer

Hi Don:

What was the command you used to build gnome-speech?  In addition,
did you do a "make install"?  Finally, what OS distribution are
you using?


On Jun 3, 2005, at 8:16 PM, Donald Raikes wrote:


I have the fonix dectalk speech synthesizer version 5.0, and have
tried recompiling gnome-speech 0.3.6 to allow meto use the dectalk

When I view the make log, I see that the dectalk synthesizer is
built, but when I run test-speech, the dectalk is not listed.

I have tested the dectalk using the say application and it is

Any suggestions?

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