ACLOCAL_FLAGS [was: Still having trouble compiling Gnopernicus cvs]

ACLOCAL_FLAGS (below) is an environment variable. Set it with export (or setenv, if you use csh or tcsh as your shell), either manually before starting your build, or set it in your home directory's ".bashrc" file.

best regards


The AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2 macro is defined in the gconf package, specifically in gconf-2.m4. Perhaps you need to set your ACLOCAL_FLAGS variable to include your 'prefix'/share directory.

For instance, my ACLOCAL_FLAGS is

"-I /opt/gnome-2.7/share/aclocal -I /usr/share/aclocal"

Ok, thanks. I'm not sure however where you set these aclocal flags, so a little hint would be appreciated.

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