Re: Orca not working with Mozilla.

Hey Luke,

Sorry, I've been in Europe for three weeks and so out of pocket.  Orca in 
CVS has logic which figures out which script gets which at-spi event based 
on the application containing the object that generated this event.  there 
is a bug (not yet filed by me) in Mozilla's accessibility object 
higherarky which makes this new logic not work.  I need to figure out 
exactly what the bug is in order to provide a goodbug report.

The new Orca also has some issues surrounding at-spi object life cycle-- 
bad things happen in certain circumstances, most previllent, when 
applications exit.  Sorry for all this instability, these changes were 
ncessary to get Orca's architecture in shape, and there's still more work 
to do.

Thanks for all your testing and work and patience!


 On Sun, 11 Jul 2004, 
Luke Yelavich wrote:

> Hi all.
> It seems that the latest CVS of Orca is not working with Mozilla. Gnopernicus
> works without any problems, but Orca isn't speaking anything in carrot browsing
> mode.
> Checking the ChangeLog, it seems that changes were made to the Mozilla python
> script to fix some problems, but it seems to have only made the situation worse.
> Suggestions as to what I could try are welcome.
> Luke
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