Building Gnopernicus from CVS and Braille Output


Would building Gnopernicus from CVS help with getting braille output. I 
installed it as part of garnome, and right now I'm only getting truncated 
hello and goodbye messages. When I run configure in the downloaded CVS 
version, I get the message that gnome-speech couldn't be found, or rather 
the libraty containing it couldn't be found. I am told to set 
PKG_CONFIG_PATH to include this library. However setting it to 
/home/chpi-softdev/garnome/lib doesn't help, even though the lib directory 
does contain some gnome-speech libraries.

Incidentally, I am not using gnome-speech or gnome-mag, so I don't see why 
the build of gnopernicus should depend on them. I am using braille. The 
build should depend only on one of these three being present.


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