Re: Trying to get Gnopernicus to work but it won't.

It is also a good idea to type 

export GTK_MODULES=gail:access-bridge

at the command prompt, or, better, incoude it in your .xinit  script, 
which is run when you type startx. You might also like to include the 
gconftool-2 command in this script, to make sure the accessibility key is 

 On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Mario Lang wrote:

> "John W. Hess" <techman optonline net> writes:
> > When I tri to start it the Gnome desktop comes up and is usable by my
> > sighted associates but it doesn't speek.  While it is up I can start
> > the speech from another console however all it says is welcome to
> > Gnopernicus and when I return to the gnome console I can't tab
> > around or anything.
> It is possible that you still need to enable the accessibility features
> of the Gnome desktop.  As the user which starts gnopernicus, do
> gconftool-2 --type bool --set /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility true
> maybe that helps

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