Re: GEP-11: Application list for 2.4

On Tue, 2003-04-29 at 13:07, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> > It might make this a manageable task for 2.4 and make both a case for
> > inclusion of gnome-doorman and a vehicle for improvements later on...
> It would definitely raise everyone's boats if it were done for 2.4. A good
> first-time wizard would help greatly for i18n, a11y, and 
> general usability.

I think this one could be debated at very great length. The first time
the user logs into their desktop, they want to start *using* their

Almost all questions you can put into a first-time-wizard, fall into 
one or more of the categories of:

 - User has no clue about the answer
 - User doesn't care and is annoyed at having to pick something
 - User would rather do later as necessary

You can probably ask for name/email address. You might be able
to get away with a screen where you give the user one or
two options for enabling AT.

And that's about it. 

(I don't think asking for the user's language is worthwhile; in
99% of cases, user will be comfortable with the system's default
language. For the remaining 1%... maybe it's worth having an option
that computer lab adminstrators in Belgium can turn on to
display such a screen.)


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