Re: extension of Glade DTD to support accessibility

On Thu, 10 May 2001, Bill Haneman wrote:

> > Is it common to want to set the parent of an AtkObject gotten through
> > gtk_widget_get_accessible?  Wouldn't it just be the accessible of the
> > parent widget?
> Not always, and if not, you need the set_parent() API.  It's there in
> order to simplify or adapt widget hierarchies for alternate access,
> sometimes the best hierarchy for adaptive technology access is not the
> same as the "best" for purely visual presentation.

Okay.  With proposed syntax for storing the accessibility properties in
the XML, there is no reference to the name of the AtkObject.  Do you think
it would be sufficient to use the name of the GtkWidget the AtkObject is
associated with for the parent?  That is, if we had this in the XML file:

  <widget id="widget1" ...>
  <widget id="widget2" ...>
      <property name="AtkObject::parent">widget1</property>

then the parent of widget2's AtkObject would be widget1's AtkObject.

Or would more fine grained control be appropriate?  I am trying to work
out what would be a good compromise between how configurable to make it
and how to make it easy to use from a UI builder.


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