AtkText and AtkEditableText

Hi All,

Some thoughts on AtkText and AtkEditableText:

Since it doesn't seem reasonable that an object would implement AtkText and not AtkEditableText, it seems that AtkEditableText::SelectText and AtkText::SetSelectionBounds are redundant. Selecting text seems to be something that one may wish to do, regardless oof whether the text is editable or not. The two cases which come to mind offhand are selecting text from a terminal window to copy to the clipboard, and selecting text from a web page. So, it seems as though text selection rightfully should live in AtkText. Thoughts?

Along these same lines, I think the CopyText or CopySelection methods should also live in AtkText, as they don't affect the widget, and therefore don't seem to be a part of editing it. The paste and delete functions seem appropriate for AtkEditableText. Again, any comments?



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