[g-a-devel] Focus - AT vs. mouse/keyboard manipulation


If I do something that results in a dialog popping up via either the mouse or the keyboard, that dialog has focus. If I open the dialog via AT-SPI's AccessibleAction interfaces (e.g. 'click' and/or 'activate'), the dialog does not have focus. Now, it seems that this would be considered a bug, but even if it isn't, I can't seem to find an alternative way to ensure that the dialog is given focus.

I did try using AccessibleComponent_grabFocus() on Accessibles which implement that interface, but ran into problems; for the vast majority of AccessibleComponents, the function returns FALSE, indicating that it was unsuccessful (which it was). Why would that function always fail?

I did find that most (if not all) Accessibles with an AccessibleEditableText interface can successfully grabFocus, but even then, the window or dialog they're in must be focused; they will not grab focus from another window.

So, my question is: How can an AT ensure that the same windows and UI controls that have focus after a given user action (i.e. with just the keyboard and/or mouse) is performed have focus when the same workflow is performed by the AT?


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