[g-a-devel] gnome-speech driver parameters

The GNOME_Speech_Speaker.idl is able to set _voice_ parameters for
volume, rate, breathiness, roughness, pitch fluctuation, pitch, head
size, and gender.

I would like to propose GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver to be able to set
_driver_ parameters for dictionary, input type, language dialect, number
mode, sample rate, synthesis mode, text mode, want word indicies, and
want phoneme indices.

For example,

sp = GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver_createSpeaker(...);
GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver_setParameterValue(sp, InputType, Annotate);
speaker_say_print(sp, "\V0Hello World\V1Que Pasa");

Enclosed is an example enhanced IDL:

*** GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver.idl.orig	2005-10-03 14:33:04.000000000 -0500
--- GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver.idl	2005-10-03 14:36:42.000000000 -0500
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  		voice_gender gender;
+ 	struct Parameter {
+ 		string name;
+ 		double min;
+ 		double current;
+ 		double max;
+ 		boolean enumerated;
+ 	};
  	typedef sequence<VoiceInfo> VoiceInfoList;
  	interface SynthesisDriver : Bonobo::Unknown {
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  		/* Speaker creation */
  		Speaker createSpeaker (in VoiceInfo voice_spec);
+ 		/* Driver parameter functions */
+ 		ParameterList getSupportedParameters ();
+ 		string getParameterValueDescription (in string name, in double value);
+ 		double getParameterValue (in string name);
+ 		boolean setParameterValue (in string name, in double value);

George Kraft IV
gk4 austin ibm com
IBM Senior Software Engineer
SWG Linux Accessibility Project

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