[g-a-devel] Seek suggestion on how to use gnome-speech programatically


I hope this would be the right forum for seeking help on programming
related to gnome-speech. If not, please excuse and if possible, help
me with the info on the right mailing list.

While Gnopernicus is good and standardised, my application needs its
own text-to-speech support. I think that gnome-speech would be a good
wrapper to use, as it looks set to be a default wrapper for TTS

I need to support these features for my application (Actual
application implemented this feature using Microsoft SAPI, so the
model was made assuming that):

1. Queue the text
2. Talk
3. Pause/Resume anytime.
4. Stop.

Of these functions, Stop is fairly straightforward. 
But in gnome-speech, queue and talk are combined into single step
(which I can handle using queue of my own).

How to do pause/resume anytime while speech is going on? Any
ideas/suggestions/advice? Would this involve using callbacks (I think
they are not available in festival driver, am I correct)?

Packages I use:
gnome-speech-0.3.0 (Not the latest I know, but RH Linux only supports
it or older)

Aditya Kumar Pandey
Contact:  +91-9868263500; +91-11-25165432

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