Re: [g-a-devel] Re: Gnopernicus on a Live CD?

Luke Yelavich wrote:

I think eventually, an alternative VM that gets chosen by the Ubuntu

developers may be the sollution, but I don't know just how far off that is.
One problem is, we rely on a number of improvements to Java accessibility that went into the 1.5 JVM (as well as fixes). I don't know how fully the alternative VMs support the javax.accessibility classes, if at all. Of course I hope that all the Java VMs support accessibility as its importance becomes more widely recognized.

I can certainly look into things from the Ubuntu side, as at this stage, I am simply creating accessibility derivitives, and intend to make such a derivitive come the next release. What you have suggested above is certainly a fine option that can be looked into.
That sounds great, thanks. The nice thing about this option is that the end user doesn't have to download a new version of OpenOffice in the process, only the JVM.

- Bill


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