Re: [g-a-devel] Java-access-bridge INSTALL Discrepency

Thanks, Padraig. Unfortunately, I see two typos in the new guidance
below--at least, I think they're typos:

Padraig O'Briain writes:
> The text in the INSTALL file is wrong. I have updated it in CVS . I have
> attached the new version to this mail.
... snip snip ...
> You may optionally include a java_home environment variable:
> 	./ --prefix=/opt/gnome-2.0 --with-java-home=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0
> (2a) If you obtained the java-access-bridge via a tarfile,
> run "./configure" in this directory with options as above.
> (3) run make to build gnome-java-access.tar.  You will need 
> a Java Virtual Machine version 1.4.0 beta4 or higher.  
> (4) run make install. 
> (5) before running a Java program with the Java Access Bridge, you
> will need to make sure that your GNOME 2 installation enables
> CORBA traffic over IP from the ORBit2 ORB.  Do this by including
> the following line in a file, ".orbitrc" in your home directory:
> You also need to modify your Java runtime environment to include
> gnome-java-bridge.jar in $JRE_HOME/lib/ext  and 
> in $JRE_HOME/lib.  The best way to do this is to create a symbolic links from 

1.)	Did you mean to write "$JAVA_HOME" where you have "$JRE_HOME?"

2.)	I think you mean "create symbolic links," and not "create a symbolic


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